The chief of police is hereby authorized to issue
to any owner of a vehicle used to transport merchandise or materials
a special permit, renewable annually and stating therein the terms
and conditions thereof, allowing the operator of such vehicle the
privilege of loading or unloading while the vehicle is backed against
the curb, if, in the opinion of the City council, such privilege is
reasonably necessary in the conduct of the owner's business and will
not seriously interfere with traffic. In places where and at hours
when stopping for the loading or unloading of merchandise or materials
is permitted, vehicles used for the transportation of merchandise
or materials may back against the curb to take on or discharge loads,
when the owner of such vehicle holds a permit granting him such special
privilege. Such permits shall be either in the possession of the operator
or on the vehicle at the time such vehicle is backed against the curb
to take on or discharge a load, and it shall be unlawful for any owner
or operator to violate any of the special terms or conditions of any
such special permit.